Yes, it is essential to keep up with mortgage payments or you risk losing your home.
Yes, it is essential to pay your rent. If you don't, you may face eviction. If you are on a low income, you may be able to get housing benefit to help with your rent.
Yes, it is essential to pay your council tax. The council can take you to court for non-payment. If you are on a low income, you may qualify for council tax benefit.
Generally, a car is not essential. However, if you live in an area with poor public transport, then you may have less choice. If you need to cut costs, consider car-sharing or a car club.
If you have a television, it is essential to pay for a TV licence otherwise you can be taken to court. There are different ways of paying for your licence to spread the costs throughout the year. People aged over 75 get a free licence.
Yes, children need to eat! If you are on a low income, your child may be entitled to free school meals.
Yes, food is essential, but most people have choices about where to shop and what to buy.
No, this is not essential, it is something to save up for.