The picture shows part of an index page:
chocolate, 53
cake, 53, 129
milk, 78
choking, safety, 212
cholecystitis, 178
cholesterol, 37–40
blood tests, 16
food labels, 283
reducing, 40
chromium, 97
circulatory disorders, 188–193
citric acid, 98
When you click on certain words and numbers, you get more information:
chocolate, 53: This entry shows that you will find something about chocolate on page 53.
cake, milk: These topics are subsections of chocolate. These pages are about ‘chocolate cake’ and ‘milk chocolate’. Notice that they do not line up on the left with the main topics.
cake, 53, 129: These numbers show that there is something about chocolate cake on page 53 and on page 129.
circulatory disorders, 188–193: These numbers show that there is something about circulatory disorders on all the pages from 188 to 193.
chromium, circulatory disorders, citric acid: The picture shows the part of the index that lists words beginning with ‘c’ ‘h’ and ‘c’ ‘i’. ‘c’ ‘h’ words come before ‘c’ ‘i’ words because ‘h’ is before ‘i’ in the alphabet. ‘c’ ‘i’ ‘r’ comes before ‘c’ ‘i’ ‘t’ because ’r’ is before ‘t’ in the alphabet.